304 & 316 Stainless Steel Pipe Fabrication
Tank Farms
FaberFab Supplied:
- All the 304 & 316 Stainless Steel Pipe fabrication for the tank farm project. Including, fabrication, receiving and staging of all piping system components, coordinated delivery to the job site as components were required.
- The Rebar package, excavation and concrete work for all the pipe supports.
- Modified the pipe supports (in an expedited manner) for the piping due to being supplied incorrectly by a vendor.
- Modified the davit arms (in an expedited manner) that support the tank manways due to being supplied incorrectly by a vendor.

Fresh Water Pumping Stations
FaberFab Supplied:
- All the 304 & 316 Stainless Steel Pipe fabrication for the pump station project. Including, fabrication, receiving and staging of all piping system components, coordinated delivery to the job site as components were required.
- Excavation for the pump houses.
- The Rebar package and concrete work for the pump foundations.
- Installation and bolt up of all the fabricated pipe assemblies.

© 2019 FaberFab
1000 East Bald Eagle Street | Lock Haven, PA 17745
570.748.4009 | info@faberfab.com