Triple Jointing
Stainless Steel Pipe
Triple Jointing Stainless Steel Pipe
Project Summary: This project consisted of welding twenty foot random lengths of 8 inch schedule 80 316L pipe to make up 60 foot random lengths of pipe. A total of thirty eight 60 foot random lengths of pipe were produced and shipped to the field. A total of 76 welds were completed per our ASME B31.8 welding procedures. 100% of the butt welds were X-rayed. The welds performed on our weld manipulator were completed in one third the time required to make the same weld manually, providing substantial cost savings to the customer.
The pipe was used to cross under a stream as part of a water pipe line and future natural gas pipe line. The 60 foot lengths were welded into two long strings on location and then pulled under the stream. On this project, FaberFab welded the pipe, coordinated X-ray services, maintained quality control documents, shipped the pipe to the site and fabricated the pull head.

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570.748.4009 | info@faberfab.com